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Check Sim Games

Apple Rejects iOS Version of LetterMiner

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I submitted the iOS version of LetterMiner to Apple this week. Today I got an email saying LetterMiner was rejected because it could not be played in portrait orientation on iPads.

LetterMiner is meant to be played in landscape orientation. The problem is I can’t find a way to support only landscape orientation on iPad. I tried removing portrait orientation from the list of supported iPad orientations. When I sent the build to the App Store, it was rejected because iPad multitasking requires supporting all four orientations.

I added portrait back to the list of supported orientations. Now LetterMiner is rejected for being unplayable in portrait orientation on iPads.

Replying to the rejection message, I asked how to require the game to be played in landscape orientation. They replied they can’t offer technical assistance. They suggested posting a question on Apple’s developer forums, which I have done.

If I can’t find a way to require landscape orientation on iPads, I won’t be releasing LetterMiner on iOS. LetterMiner is designed to be played in landscape orientation.


I fixed the problem. I had to require the game to be fullscreen to disable iPad multitasking. Once I disabled iPad multitasking, I could force LetterMiner to play in landscape orientation. I submitted a new build to Apple for review.