After I publish a blog post detailing my difficulties finding word game players on Twitter, a solution comes to me. Do a hashtag search for popular word games. The hashtag #Scrabble has many tweets. The hashtag #Boggle is also good after you filter out the spammy #mPlusRewards tweets.
Tag: Twitter
I’m reading the book The Tao of Twitter by Mark Schaefer, which is a good book if you’re new to Twitter. The tao has three elements: targeted followers, meaningful content, and authentic helpfulness. People new to Twitter should start by looking for targeted followers.
Since my goal right now is to have people try LetterMiner, word game players are the targeted followers I need. I need to find word game players, engage in conversations with them, and retweet any interesting tweets.
I’ve reached a point in LetterMiner’s development where I need to let people know the game exists. To help with this, I set up two Twitter accounts, @CheckSimGames and @LetterMinerGame. Figuring out how to use Twitter to spread the word on LetterMiner is going to be a learning experience. I’m documenting the start of my learning experience here.
The Problem Nobody is downloading LetterMiner. Here’s the strange part. Years ago I wrote a single-level prototype of LetterMiner and put it up for download on a software development site I have.